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feel very confident when analyzing rhetoric, I’m able to clearly dissect different
parts of the speech and explain them in clear ways. Sometimes it can be
difficult depending on the level of vocabulary or strategy the speaker uses, I feel
it can be confusing and random. I feel like even though I missed a couple of
days my essay is probably one of the strongest written assignments I’ve
completed this year. Even though it’s only my first draft I feel like I’ve
already reached a necessary depth and understanding of Zach Wahls’s speech. I
think the best part of my essay is the third body paragraph, I really put in a
lot of effort to understand the emotions Zach was trying to influence on the
audience and how he clearly stated that this would be a vote on discrimination.
The part I would improve is my conclusion paragraph because I think it can have
a better transition and an even stronger structure than what I started
with.  The most effective rhetorical
technique would be anecdotes and prothos to influence me, personally.

          A hateful action I have recently heard about was an event that took place a while ago, however it is new to me. A boy, who is heavily built and heavy set was being bullied by a shorter skinnier kid. The news showed a video from the security camera in the hallway, which the shorter boy repeatedly slaps him in the face. The heavy set boy had enough and picked the little one up and slammed him on the ground.

          Many people suggest the hatred was shown by the heavy set boy was the one displaying hatred, however, I believe it was the short boy. There are only so many slaps to the face someone can take before reacting. The short boy shows signs of jealousy based hatred. Maybe he couldn’t play all the sports the heavy set kid could play and maybe he wasn’t getting the praise from his father he desired. So he took it out on the heavy set kid.

          I can relate this to another situation during the Civil Rights Movement, the time period of Malcolm X. Many African Americans were finding more and more ways to break the racial barrier and the white men were afraid of the potential they displayed because it loosened their grip on their race. So they found alternatives to put them down and make them know their place before they became too much of a “problem”. They were doing this with fire hoses, police dogs, and assassinations. 

           A hateful action I heard about was a man shooting at hi neighbor’ kids for playing on his lawn. The kids were playing football, and one of them threw the football too far. It landed in the man’s lawn and the kid that threw it went to retrieve the ball. When the man aw the boy on his lawn he jumped to the conclusion that he was playing, he got his gun and fired in the air. The boy ran frightened to death, and his parents called the police.

        I believe the man had done this due to some other issues with the entire neighboring family. It was discovered by police, that a family feud was in affect for many years between these two neighbors. I believe this kind of hatred is a grudge type. This is because if this feud lasted years, one family did something to the other and now they can’t stand each other. 

           I can connect this to many racial situations in Malcolm X. There are some African Americans who are still moved by the injustice done to their ancestors and it is because of this injustice that they are now showing no respect to society. They feel that society has kept them down from reaching full potential so they turn to alternatives. This is what the man did, if he could not get respect one way he got it another.


Recently many people have been talking about the murder of Trayvon Martin. When I heard this story I was sick to my stomach and very angry. How could someone just be killed after coming from the store. Trayvon never met this man in his life but he felt he had the right to end his for wearing a hoodie. His excuse for killing Trayvon was because he looked suspicious however, what about the other billions of people wearing hoodies. 

I believe this man killed Trayvon due to his racism. Trayvon was an African American boy walking from the store with a hoodie. Now I’m sure we’ve all heard the stereo type towards that appearance. Only George Zimmerman took this to the extreme and because of his hatred he did the unthinkable. This was a hateful and ugly thing to do. Trayvon wasn’t just African American he was a young boy not even given the chance to live his life. It was stolen by this foolish hatred. George Zimmerman is a terrible man.

I can connect this to Things Fall Apart. The white men came over to Africa and systematically destroyed their way of life while stealing their resources. This was a hateful act because the people of Okonkwo’s village were living fine without their interference. Their African society was considered savage and frowned upon however, this was stupid because how can you judge something you don’t understand. This is the same thing George Zimmerman did, he  judged the situation before trying to understand the situation and if he did understand the act he committed was pure ugly, hatred.

My friend Naomi told me about a hateful action done to her when she was only 4 years old. She and her parents went to the beach and were enjoying their afternoon. It wasn’t until later that her father saw a KKK member approaching them. When he came to her family, he ordered them to leave their white-only beach. When her father refused the man attacked him and he was forced to retaliate. After the KKK member was defeated he walked off and she and her family resumed their relaxation, believing the situation was resolved. However, the KKK member returned with his brothers and this time they had guns.  They ordered Naomi and her family off the beach or they would shoot. As they were leaving the beach with their 4 year old daughter the KKK members shot at them . They were shooting to just scare them but that is also the reason why Naomi can remember this so vividly even after all this time.

I believe these people did this because they were trained to hate this way. However, I believe this type of hatred can be categorized as learned hatred. This is because of the environment the KKK members were raised in. When they were growing up they were raised under the idea of white supremacy. White supremacy is a mentality that causes most white people to feel as though they are better than other people and that only people like themselves could enjoy the finer things in life. Growing up with this mentality can cause it to grow and establish in someone’s habits which causes them to react to certain situations in extreme ways.

This situation can relate to the book  Night. In the book the Jews suffer from the prejudice and German supremacy of the Nazis. The Nazis did the most cruel and unthinkable things to the Jews because of the simple fact that they were Jewish. Most Nazis used the excuse that they were just following orders. However, if the Nazis were forced to commit this kind of behavior, I believe they began to learn to hate the Jews. This hatred toward the Jews had no specific root to an event because the Jews did nothing towards the Germans. This hatred was just pure evil.

One thing I heard was that a man named Kony was training child soldiers and he made them kill their parents. He also kidnapped children from villages, forcing the males to become child soldiers and the females to be sex slaves. His army is known to also take in slaves from villages and kill unarmed civilians. He claims to be fighting for the Holy Spirit, but if that’s so the Crusades were also “Holy”. Can anything involving murder be considered holy? The bible actually considers this act a sin. My friend was so disgusted when she heard about this, she even cried. This is hatred to me because no one should be just killed or enslaved for not being Christian.

I think Kony did this because it was learned hatred. Although there is an existence of freedom of religious practices some areas don’t allow it and I believe this was the type of place Kony was raised. Most children absorb the practices of those around them and Kony must have done the same. Also he probably thinks Christianity is the only path to follow. Kony’s hate grew over time and corrupted him and this corruption causes him to do the unthinkable and unforgivable things we hear of today. When that mind set of hatred towards someone or an entire race for that matter, it is almost impossible for that person to see any kind of reason when approaching these other people.

This event can relate to Malcolm X because African Americans were also learning to hate White people. For example Malcolm was raised in an environment where he had to experience the cruelty and evil of the racist. Malcolm was not able to see any other kind of environment where he was encouraged and not looked down upon. So he grew up disliking whites more and more. Soon he learned to hate them for the difference in their skin color. This connects to Kony because he was raised learning to hate other people for not being Christian. This can also be connected to the Crusades, an event that happened long ago, however the Catholics and Kony had the same perspective on those who were not Christian. I think Christians sometimes forget to be humble and think of themselves on a higher level than those who aren’t like them.

My experiment is going well so far. I had to change my fruit to bananas instead. I put 3 (g) in one container and 1.5 (g) in another. I am performing multiple experiments because the flies are culturing in sync with the experiment. There have been no problems with fungi or mites. I’m already seeing results too, about 3 flies died over the course of 4 days in the container containing 1.5 (g).

Question: How does caloric intake effect a fruit fly’s life span

Purpose: My purpose for this experiment is to find out what effects too much calories or too little calories have on a fruit fly’s life span. By doing so I can begin to take steps on testing this effect on more complex organisms and find out a way to find a solution to America’s obesity and anorexia conflicts.

Materials: 10-20 fruit flies, blue berries, 5-10 container holders for fruit flies during experiments, camera

Procedure: Gather all materials needed for experiment

Place 2-4 fruit flies in each container

Place one blue berry in each container for fruit flies to eat

Create a charts (same amount as containers) to measure the life span and amount of blue berry  each fruit fly eats

Observe Fruit Fly changes over the course of 3 months

Record measurements in charts

*Note have one container fed on regular diet for comparison

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