One thing I heard was that a man named Kony was training child soldiers and he made them kill their parents. He also kidnapped children from villages, forcing the males to become child soldiers and the females to be sex slaves. His army is known to also take in slaves from villages and kill unarmed civilians. He claims to be fighting for the Holy Spirit, but if that’s so the Crusades were also “Holy”. Can anything involving murder be considered holy? The bible actually considers this act a sin. My friend was so disgusted when she heard about this, she even cried. This is hatred to me because no one should be just killed or enslaved for not being Christian.

I think Kony did this because it was learned hatred. Although there is an existence of freedom of religious practices some areas don’t allow it and I believe this was the type of place Kony was raised. Most children absorb the practices of those around them and Kony must have done the same. Also he probably thinks Christianity is the only path to follow. Kony’s hate grew over time and corrupted him and this corruption causes him to do the unthinkable and unforgivable things we hear of today. When that mind set of hatred towards someone or an entire race for that matter, it is almost impossible for that person to see any kind of reason when approaching these other people.

This event can relate to Malcolm X because African Americans were also learning to hate White people. For example Malcolm was raised in an environment where he had to experience the cruelty and evil of the racist. Malcolm was not able to see any other kind of environment where he was encouraged and not looked down upon. So he grew up disliking whites more and more. Soon he learned to hate them for the difference in their skin color. This connects to Kony because he was raised learning to hate other people for not being Christian. This can also be connected to the Crusades, an event that happened long ago, however the Catholics and Kony had the same perspective on those who were not Christian. I think Christians sometimes forget to be humble and think of themselves on a higher level than those who aren’t like them.