Recently many people have been talking about the murder of Trayvon Martin. When I heard this story I was sick to my stomach and very angry. How could someone just be killed after coming from the store. Trayvon never met this man in his life but he felt he had the right to end his for wearing a hoodie. His excuse for killing Trayvon was because he looked suspicious however, what about the other billions of people wearing hoodies. 

I believe this man killed Trayvon due to his racism. Trayvon was an African American boy walking from the store with a hoodie. Now I’m sure we’ve all heard the stereo type towards that appearance. Only George Zimmerman took this to the extreme and because of his hatred he did the unthinkable. This was a hateful and ugly thing to do. Trayvon wasn’t just African American he was a young boy not even given the chance to live his life. It was stolen by this foolish hatred. George Zimmerman is a terrible man.

I can connect this to Things Fall Apart. The white men came over to Africa and systematically destroyed their way of life while stealing their resources. This was a hateful act because the people of Okonkwo’s village were living fine without their interference. Their African society was considered savage and frowned upon however, this was stupid because how can you judge something you don’t understand. This is the same thing George Zimmerman did, he  judged the situation before trying to understand the situation and if he did understand the act he committed was pure ugly, hatred.